Volltext: Zweiter Jahrgang (2(1921))

Jouveau-Dubreuil,G. ArcheologieduSuddel'Inde. 
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Sastri, H. Krishna. South Indian Images of Gods 
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Havell, E. B. Indian Architecture, its psycho» 
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Agra. Keene, Henry George. A handbook for visitors 
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Agra. Havell, E. B. A handbook to Agra and the Taj, 
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Agra. Smith, Edmund W. Moghul Colour Decoration 
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Ajanta. Herringham, Lady. Ajanta frescoes: being re» 
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Ceylon. Burrows, S. M. The Burried Cities of Ceylon. 
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Ceylon. Parker, H. Ancient Ceylon. 4°. London 1909. 
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Ceylon. Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. Mediaeval Sin« 
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Diez, Ernst. Die Kunst der islamischen Völker. 
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Stuart (Mrs. C. M. Villiers). Gardens of the Great 
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KUNSTSTÄTTEN <Landsdiaften und Orte) 
Delhi. Keene, Henry George. A handbook for visitors 
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Delhi. Fanshawe, H. C., Delhi past and present. 
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Delhi. Hearn, Gordon Risley. The Seven Cities of Delhi. 
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Elephanta. Burgess, James. The Rock Temples of Eie» 
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Ellora. Burgess, James. The Rock Temples of Elura. 
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Fathpur»Sikri. Smith, Edm. W. The Moghul Archi 
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Gujarat. Burgess, James. On the Muhammedan Archi 
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Gujerat. Burgess, James. The architectural antiquities o 
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Hampi. Longhurst, A. H. Hampi Ruins. Described and 
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Ja unpur. Führer, A. The Sharqi Architecture of Jaun- 
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Kashmir. Cole, Henry H. Illustrations from of ancient 
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Lahore. Muhammed Latif. Lahore, its history, architec 
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Lahore. Vogel, J. P. The Tile Mosaics of Lahore Fort. 
Ed. by Sir John Marshall. Calcutta 1921 (Bildet den 
vor kurzem erschienenen neuesten Band des Arch. Surv. 
und ist noch nicht nach Deutschland gelangt. Eine kür 
zere Arbeit Vogels über die große Fliesendekoration des 
Forts von Lahore in: Journal of Indian Art. vol.XIV.) 
Madras. Rea, Alex. South Indian Buddhist antiquities, 
Stupas in the Madras Presidency. 4°. (Arch. Surv. Ind., 
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