Volltext: Zweiter Jahrgang (2(1921))

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Mysore. Ardiitecture andSculpture atMysore. vol. 1.2. 
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Orissa. Rajendralala Mitra. The Antiquities of Orissa. 
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Orissa. Ganguly,ManoMohan. Orissa and her remains, 
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S a n <h i. Maisey, Frederick Charles. Sandii and itsremains. 
4°. London 1892. 
S a n di i. Marshall, Sir John. A guide to Sandii. Cal- 
cutta 1918. 
Sarnath. Daya Ram Sahni, Guide to the huddhist ruins 
of Sarnath. Benares 1917. 
Taxila. Marshall, Sir John. A guide to Taxila. Cal 
cutta 1918. 
Birdwood, Sir George C. M. The industrial art of 
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Art Handbooks.) 
Hendley, Thomas Holbein. Memoirs of the Jeypore 
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Kisa, A. Kunst u. Kunstindustrie in Indien. Leipzig 1885. 
Mukerjee, T. N. Art Manufactures of India. Cal 
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Watt, Sir George. Indian art at Delhi 1903 being the 
official Catalogue of the Delhi exhibition 1902 — 1903. 
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Hendley, Thomas. Indian Jewellery. (Journal of Indian 
Art. vol. XII.) London 1909. 
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. The Indian Craftsman. 
(Probsthains Oriental Series.) London 1909. 
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. The Arts and Crafts of 
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Calcutta. Anderson, John. Catalogue and Handbook 
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Calcutta. pt. I. Asoka and Indo-Scythian Galleries. 
Calcutta 1883. pt. II Gupta and Inscription Galleries. 
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Delhi. Vogel, J. Ph. Catalogue of the Delhi Museum 
of archaeology. Calcutta 1908. 
Jeypore. Hendley, Thomas Holbein. Handbook to the 
Jeypore Museum. With illustrations by W. Griggs. 
Calcutta 1895. 
Lahore. Brown, Percy. Lahore Museum, Punjab. A 
descriptive guide to the department of archaeology and 
antiquities. Lahore und Calcutta 1908. A descriptive 
guide to the department of industrial arts. Lahore und 
Calcutta 1909. 
Mathura. Vogel, J. Ph. Catalogue of the archaeological 
Museum at Mathura. Allahabad 1910. 
Peshawar. Spooner, D. Brainerd. Handbook to the 
Sculptures in the Peshawar Museum. Bombay 1910. 
Sarnath. Daya Ram Sahni. Catalogue of the Museum 
of Archaeology at Sarnath. Calcutta 1916. 
Coomaraswamy, Ananda. Rajput Painting. 2 vols. Sattar Kheiri. Indische Miniaturen der islamischen 
2°. Oxford 1916. Zeit. (Orbis pictus, Bd. 6.) 4°. Berlin 1921. 
Brown, Percy. Indian Painting. (Heritage of India 
Series). London 1918. Enthält die Bibliographie des 
Gegenstandes bis 1918.


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