the seasons of the clock the 
strawberry the velvety animals and the cradle 
the nebulous clock rises in vapor 
the faces of earth lose their vagueness 
the roads take form 
the jewelry of mollusks sinks 
not far from the twin diamonds 
where the path ends 
close to a blue strawberry 
i heard gentleness breathe 
i heard the sap sigh 
a forest of light 
is cradled in a forest of darkness 
velvety animals 
busy themselves around a spring 
the spring is furious 
though it seems strange 
a breath comes looking for me 
groping like a blind man with his cane 
it persists in searching for me 
a somber heaviness clothes me 
i would like to sleep in a cradle of earth 
basel 1944 from “siege de Vair”


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