Volltext: Brief, G. Heider-Hartog, c-/o. Fr. T. Hartog, Forchstr.108, Zürich 7., 2.XI.47., Herrn Direktor Wartmann, Kunsthaus, Zürich.

On the 25th of Juiy, 1818, fire Droke out in WylL, 
‚in the Canton of Zurich, A whole hou86e 80CH 8L00d enveloped in 
eianes, and made the hurriedl7 arriyed people shudder., But, ch] 
WO Deacefully sleeping children were still within the building. 
The cries of anguish of the congregated populace of Ihe town and the 
erackling of the flames en1 smoke woke the little ones Irom their 
sweet slumber, anDvarentiy un.7 to die the sleep of death, Who can 
& / command the fFlanmas? 40 can Save Ihe little ones? A Hebrew, 
" Samuel Gugzenheim, of zar„en, Canton Aargan, Switzerland, a man full 
of presence of mind and honest courage, rushed into the blazing house, 
zrasps both chilüren und carcles taem triunpkhantiy through the 
barribie heat ana auocke LO safesY.


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