Volltext: Secession (Number one) (1)

When the eyes transcend their orbit the cravat of 
the branches strangles the English foliage dressed in 
high silk hat white gloves and patent leather slippers 
of ardent chlorophyl. What said my friend you do not 
believe in the existence of parallels even though they 
prolong and renew themselves. The finale of symphony 
is hard the music cannot end without cutting up the 
fragments of beauty into yet smaller pieces and be 
ginning over again. It is too bad said he again we 
shall never know whether it is the wind that bends 
the blade of grass or the blade of grass that bends 
the wind. Put the grass in some place where there is 
no wind — i believe in neither common sense nor 
paradox. My plane has no wind no grass it has no 
place it has no flies. Live without reaction without 
moods without false tempests. My plane loves ennui and 
the uncertain colors and the bisexual paths my plane 
resembles all other planes and its men all other men 
good God there is no happiness anywhere life passes 
as it passes the only happiness is to know ennui the 
poet-insects shut themselves up in their towers of choco 
late on the mountain of Zarathustra they are the gen 
iuses who with their secretaries go into town twice a 
day to telephone to the printer and measure by the 
scale of animal pride the results of their compromises. 
My dear Tzara let us have done with the purity and 
the impurity of the mind and the Parisian temperament 
the Academy and Spain as well as all the Spanish 
dead living anarchists or Indians indeed all such flip 
pancies cold and cynical as exist or do not exist in 
coarse brains functioning like stomachs. The amassing 
brain — bah ’tis nothing but a crab that stayed behind 
in the chowder and made believe he was an emperor. 
It was a brave chowder with brass music and travel- 
How do you do what already very well rescussitate 
in the wind no matter where how are you says my 
friend i am very well thank you do you want 
a light he says the ruffled bird might pass as an


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