Volltext: The little review (8 (1922), 2)

So it was with TABU. 
We have neither created nor invented the idea, it is ours 
through a violent revelation, through an inexpressible shock. 
It has improsed itself. 
Addressing itself only to the mind, TABU is a philosophical 
religion, without ethics; but of this we shall speak in the near 
We wish today to be content with quetsions of Art correspond 
ing to the new idea. 
Up to this time the arts have all been sensual, as have religions. 
We no longer wish to produce an art for the body but for the 
We wish through forms, through colours, through it matters 
not what means, to express the mystery, the divinity of the uni 
verse, including all mysteries. 
Andre Salmon, who last year in a criticism called us the re- 
newers of a religious art, understood the hidden meaning of our 
new artistic manifestation. 
We do not contend that the art TABU is superior to the sen 
sual arts of all the successive and different schools up to this 
time, but we do think that we are bringing a new form of expres 
sion and new possibilities. 
The world cannot be content always to be readjusting the same 
coat, making only partial changes; it needs a new coat from time 
to time. 
Francis Picabia, the finest of the minds of the vanguard, sees 
in the appearance of TABU one of the benefits brought by 
DADA, and without doubt he is right, since DADA has made 
possible the famous cleaning up of conventions and conveniences 
approved of making a clean and free place for new ideas. 


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