Volltext: The little review (9 (1923), 4)

The Elsinger Press, 2S0 fVeit 54th Street 
3, rue du Cherche-Midi - Paris 
7 manifest.es Dada 
]. Manifesto do M. Antipyriue, 
2. Manifeste dada 1918. 
3. Proclamation sans pretention. 
4. Monsieur Aa l’Antipbilosophe 
nous envoie cc manifeste. 
5. Dada manifeste sur l'amour 
faible et l’amour amer. 
Annexe : Comment je suis devenu 
charmant, sympathique ct deii- 
Syllogisme colonial. 
L’edition de ce livre Scurieux' enlre tous, 
illustre de divers dessins de M.Picabia, comprcn- 
dra 300 exemplaires settlement,’ dont 
a) 50 ex. sur chine numerotes de Id L au prix de 60 fr. 
b) 250 ex. sur vergS pur fil Lafuma, au prix de 20 fr. 
57, avenue Kleber PARIS 
cinema calendrier 
du coeur abstrail 
poemes par 
tristan tzara 
19 bois graves par 
Edition de luxe in-4° dcu (20x26) 
tirage limitd b 150 exemplaires 
sur velin de cuve pur chiffon d’itali* 
numdrotds de 1 b 150 
et signgs par les auteufd 
prix 60 frs. 
if you are very weak—if you are very strong—if you are ill—if you 
are little—if you are bored—read my books—they will heal you— 
you will see that all the world is mad—you will see why logic should 
be suppressed—every secret will be revealed to you—my manifestoes 
will tell you that nothing is of any importance—that there is neither 
good nor evil—that everything is permitted—and that man should 
reach out toward nothingness—indifference is the only legal and 
effective medicine—indifference without effort, indifference without 
importance—twenty centuries of history have served only to demon 
strate the truth of my manifestoes—because truth does not exist— 
language is a play for children—morality and the laws of causality 
have divided life into fragments for us—under different forms: art— 
philosophy — sociology —- politeness — justice — ethnography — 
politics—psychology—etc.—if you wish to become men again who 
hear with your ears and speak with your mouths—if you wish to know 
why one must not take seriously art morality religion politics gram 
mar which were only pastimes in the beginning—simple songs like the 
sport of nightingales—read my manifestoes—you can write me that 
1 am mad. 
Tristan TZARA


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