Volltext: The little review (9 (1923), 4)

h) man doesn’t care about means; 
i) man laughs; 
j) man speaks; 
k) man is a famous liar; 
l) man cannot lie but he extricates himself by generali 
m) man knows well what is the matter; 
n) the question is, man; 
o) man expects better of man; 
p) he is superior to him; 
q) inferior, in any case never equal; 
r) man runs no danger; 
s) man has no weapon to defend himself; 
t) no one attacks him; 
u) man would like to descend from the monkey in order 
to have a gallery of ancestors; 
v) man questions himself as a matter of form; 
w) man never questions himself; 
x) man does not understand french; 
y) man thinks of something else; 
z) it is why man thinks of nothing. 
So are morals born. Having shaken his hands without his 
head, the monsieur who says that he is a man rolls up his cuffs, 
and says: “Nothing in my hands, nothing in my pockets” and 
presto out of nothing comes the donkey guide awaited by the 
greater part of the spectators: 
One imagines that man, let us call him M to simplify it, has 
neither duties nor rights. If we then keep the classification, 
rights and duties toward others, himself, his parents, his chil 
dren, his country, his husband or wife, etc., let us understand 
that we have in mind only the relations of the dear gentleman 
with these different entities without making any judgments in 
the matter. We shall, therefore, call them relationships 
Relations of M and his father and mother: 
Today there is no longer material for even a vaudeville sketch 


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