Volltext: The little review (12 (1926), 1)

I repeat: To everything by modest roads. I shall need that 
gray light of the mornings, that light which accuses the misery 
of the complexions, and that of the thoughts, to ask myself,— 
but does she not mistake round-about ways for modest roads? A 
singer’s life, is that a modest life for a woman, that everything 
attracts? If she learns to despise others she does not get to love 
herself a little more or less. She always accepts the false value 
of words. And how would she organize herself, without finding 
the boundaries of her disease. 
She lives with others, goes to others, to all others, to all. And 
going to all is not going to everything but on the contrary it is 
going to nothing. 
From a book “My Body and Me” published by 
Simon Kra, Editions du Sagittaire. 
A FINGER, AN eyelash, a sexual organ shaped like a 
spider, a sinuous line or the echo of a glance, the flax 
of thought, the warm savannas of a damp-contoured 
1 V mouth, animals or vegetables at nurse, composite 
monsters with newspapers for limbs, trees which bear 
eyes, crevices in the stone where insects swarm, bark eaten with 
mildew in an infinite variety of patterns and colors, numbers 
and letters from a copybook, persons reduced to a moustache, the 
sharp point of a breast, a pipe’s glow or perhaps the ashes of a 
cigar:—in this country of surprising candor the horns of the 
moon are a snail’s horns and extravagant tubercles sprout in the 
meteoric sky. 
The creator of this country has gathered, in the obscure 
byways of Reality, the few particles toward which his instincts 
drive him as if to the feet of idols. Often a straight line repre 
sents a human being, for in this being he loved only the straight 
line; in the same way the bird is represented by a feather, the 
swift arrow of his flight or the mark of his talons. Sometimes 
of mankind there remains only the mark of a foot on the wet 
sand; the sea mingles its waves with the undulations of a bathing 
girl; and the spermatic fusion of the sexes is translated only by 
a thread.


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