Volltext: The little review (12 (1926), 1)

denly he held a toy pistol to his head, pulled the trigger and 
on a given chord he crumpled to the floor. Was he the 
freckled man who died repeating 
—I sent her flowers with regrets, flowers regretfully, my 
deep regrets and flowers? 
Jesus I saw crossing Times Square 
with John the Baptist and they bade me stop 
their hands touched mine 
Visions from the belly of a bottle 
The sea white white 
the flower in the sea 
the white fire glowing in the flower 
and sea and fire and flower one 
the world is one, falsehood and truth 
one, morning and midnight, flesh and vision 
I fled along the avenues of night 
interminably and One pursued 
My bruised arms in His arms nursed 
my chest against His bleeding chest 
my head limp against his shoulder 
Buy 300 steel at the 
market buy 300 steel 
at the market buy 300 
His face melted into the telephone 
his lips curved with hello and dreamed 
the vulcanized rubber eyes 
with a hello there was a lake beneath 
the Bowling Green 6000 trees 
and hello Bowling Green the noise of waters 
under a curdled sky hello 
I dove into the lake hello


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