Volltext: The little review (12 (1926), 1)

I LOVE the walk I love the dance the trot 
The town in the fog the talk the word 
That hangs large above a street. I love 
This scored film of mud my boot stirs. 
Look this is is my mind and I may give it only 
In a lyrical form. I am leaving. Walking away backward 
And will telephone you once twice perhaps 3 times. 
The indefinite city: “I know only I love my true love!” 
Gome you don’t know how reasonably I enjoyed 
The evening the party pursuing its one state of mind 
Today I broached 4 great ventures 
Myself director in chief of each. 
The campaign will be formidable 
The grey gentlemen will listen and slit their purses 
The beautiful posters will sing throughout the land 
I shall have two telephones always ringing 
From behind a tree the tender country lout 
Spies the 12 cylinder automobile buttoned 
Shiny. The lady mounting at once and driven 
Softly softly to the Great White Way 
/ had no fear. But you don’t know how brusquely 
Interrupting all I rushed uptown to hear 
This lady resume. And as the hour grew later 
I grew greater and greater! 
She is the last woman with the Grand Manner stop 
In America. Stop—The manner must not stop 
I replied. She leaned now a little wearily 
Pointing at the frail albino idiot 
—Madam I beg you instantly to reclaim 
Those monstrous favors to this easy man. 
Bestow them on his friend who merits more 
Yet asking nothing starves, pines, coughs, sighs, 


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