- 10 blurred with indistinctness in the recollection of them. They scarcely ruffle the surface. The similarity of one personality to another is significant, their divergences unimportant. The age has been at the mercy of the small tal ents and the war has scarcely sifted them into big or little ones. What is worse, it has even placed false stress on the mysticism of Peguy and Claudel, or shifted attention to thé raucous insincere „modernism“ of Jean Cocteau. This last gentleman, a Maecenas of the arts, an idol of the boulevards, a rastoquere, whose poetry has the taste of bran and leaves a perfect blank in the brain, — this person has been presented by indiscriminate American interpreters as the last word... of Paris. In the turbulent „advance guard“ of letters there is, however, something to be reckoned with. One meets an unexpected sincerity, a desperate willingness to go to any lengths of violence in opposing the old regime. The young men who operated „Littérature" for two years, Louis Aragon, Philippe Soupault, André Breton are certainly youthful as individuals and as a group or „movement“ (in this nation of groups) and what they have done has not altogether assumed permanent value. But one takes much hope from their quick in telligence, their sensibility, their vigorous and fun-loving disposition. They are inventive to an extreme degree and are utterly without blague or snobbery. They are bent frankly on unbounded adventures and experiments with modern phenomena. They have been stimulated by Rimbaud and Lautréamont, who demonstrated, for instance, that although nature had always been painted as a static landscape in literature it could be render ed in subjective motion or in any’ of a thousand states. The Apollinaire strain is in these writers. One of the last things that Guillaume Apollinaire wrote con cerned the field which was left to the poets of this age. Apollinaire, arch-intransigeant and forerunner of almost everything of importance, I fear, that will take place in the literature of the next generation, urged the poets of this time to be at least as daring as the mechanical wizards who exploited the airplane, wireless telegraphy, chemistry, the submarine, the cinema, the phonograph,