15 A BOW TO THE ADVENTUROUS What is the attitude of the critic toward the range of subject matter suitable for literature? What is the attitude of other literary artists toward the same? Isidore Ducasse does not directly raise these ques tions in the curious preface to his lost Poésies, but they constitute the chief protuberances in my reflec tions upon his emphatic assertions. Here was a youth, born in 1850 and dead in 1870, author of the Chants de Maldoror, a legend about himself, and Poésies, who based his violent reaction, against the poetry of his century purely upon its subject matter. „Je remplace la mélancolie par le courage, le doute par la certitude, le désespoir par l’espoir, la méchaneté par le bien, les plaintes par le devoir, le scepticisme par la foi, les sophismes par la froideur du calme et l’orgueil par la modestie." With a dauntless courage, he denounces Chateaubriand, Sénancourt, Jean-Jaques Rousseau, Anne Radcliffe, Edgar Allan Poe, Mathurin, Gautier, Leconte, Goethe. Sainte-Beuve, Lamartine, Lermontoff, Victor Hugo, Mickiewicz, de Musset, Byron, Baudelaire and Flaubert. „Grands-Têtes-Molles,“ he dubs them, „Si vous êtes malheureux, il ne faut pas le dire au lecteur. Gardez cela pour vous." There is no discussion of the manner in which these writers employed their subject matter nor of the esthetic states they may produce. They chose subject matter the temperament of Ducasse detested. He erected his prejudices into general dog matisms and declared that, therefore, their poetry would not endure. Lately, the Dadaists, partly through some affinity with his views on subject matter, have hoisted Ducasse from his obscurity. The case of Ducasse gives, I think, a frequent answer to our second question. A poet or a novelist of specialized gifts seeks for subject matter which will work like an explosive in him. Much leaves him cold, but here and there he finds materials which heat him into expression. Sorrow forces one poet to tearful expression, praise of a beneficent god another to joyful affirmatives; that which a naturalistic novelist leaves out fires an idealistic narrator. Each, if he