AESTHETIC MEDITATIONS* ON PAINTING THE CUBIST PAINTERS First Series Pablo Picasso—Georges Braque—Jean Metzinger—Albert Gleizes—Juan Gris—Mile. Marie Laurencin—Fernand Leger—Francis Picabia—Marcel Duchamp— Duchamp-Villon, etc. I HE plastic virtues: purity, unity and truth hold nature downed beneath their feet. In vain the rainbow is bent, the seasons vibrate, the crowds rush on to death, science undoes and re makes that which already exists, whole worlds with draw forever from our conception, our transitory images repeat themselves or revive their unconsciousness, and the colours, odours, sounds which follow astonish us,—then disappear from nature. This monster of beauty is not eternal. We know that our breath has had no beginning, and will have no end, but we conceive first of all the creation and the end of the world. Nevertheless, too many artists still adore plants, stones, the wave, or men. One quickly becomes accustomed to the bondage of the mys terious. And this servitude ends by creating soft leisure. One allows the labourer to dominate the universe, and gar deners have less respect for nature than the artists. It is time to be the masters. Good will does not insure victory. *A11 rights reserved for all countries, including Sweden, Norway and Russia, by L6tz-Courbiere. Translated by Mrs. Charles Knoblauch, for the Societe Anonyme.