33 DEAR INDIGNANT AND WRITHING CITIZENS INQUIRING: “So nothing is Art any more but this modern stuff that doesn’t feed our spirits or rest our minds?” We are stealing no crutches, glass eyes, false teeth, or soothing syrup. We can give honour to whom and to what honour is due. We can also give that which is a free gift and not due.—jh. POMPOUS WELLFED CLERGYMAN: % “I can’t believe in the Little Review. It isn’t self-supporting. I am not interested in anything that isn’t self-supporting.” jh: “The church has passed the hat for 1900 years.” STOP PRESS The intellectual capital of America is still Paris. Recent at tempts to transfer it to Vienna, Naples or Stockholm have not, up to the present, succeeded. ABEL SANDERS FULL OF WEAPONS! I know my words are weapons, full of danger, full of death.— Demi Cercle. Yes, if you can find any one who can die.—jh. THE LITTLE REVIEW IS AN ADVANCING POINT TOWARD WHICH THE “ADVANCE GUARD” IS ALWAYS ADVANCING