44 “Little Review” will present to you the men who care only for the pleasure of a continuous evolution—evolution not being able to interest those merchants and directors of reviews who see in these works only merchandise for snobs and peers. FRANCIS PICABIA TABU T HE sense given to the word “to be born” is nearly always an error, since nothing is born, all already exists. Things are only transformed by contact with others and manifest themselves under a new form. TABU was not born, but already existing in the atmosphere in which the contact of two elements produced the flash of comprehension and manifestation. Great ideas succeed and take form at the precise moment when they are necessary to replace a state of mind unfit to satisfy the highest degree of perfection of certain men. All ideas, past and future, exist about us, but for certain ones to manifest themselves, thousands of years are needed to find the necessary circumstances and favorable receivers. The new idea is not born of reason or reflection but rather from the need of existing and out of the propitious moment when it can and must exist. Einstein, properly speaking, is not responsible for his idea which is so popular just now. His only merit is that life has chosen him to be the receiver and transmitter of the idea of Relativity. He has neither invented nor created this idea; he has, on the contrary, allowed himself to be dominated and fascinated by that which, existing long before he did, has chosen him to be its trans mitter because without doubt Einstein is the best, the most sensi tive, the most gifted for the task.