. are not patrolling and have not their bludgeons, but one imme diately gives the other a package he has been carrying and hur ries across the street behind the speaker: a short burly man, pink faced and grim, active and strong, with the bold insolence and cruelty of the police. The buttons and silver shield glitter on the breast of his clean blue greatcoat; the forepiece and shield shine on his heavy cap. Without a word he takes the speaker from behind by arm and neck, jerks him violently backward, choking him, and all but throws him to the pavement. “Here! Here! Here!” he cries. “What are you doing?” Startled, the Negro tries to keep his feet and twist his head so as to see his assailant. But he manfully seeks to explain. “Where’s your permit?” asks the policeman. “Judge tole me Ah didn’t need to have no permit—” “Git to hell out of here!” The Negro is thrown forward almost to his knees and flung about. Very firmly he declares: “Ah’ve come here to speak the Word of the Lord like the old prophets in de Bible. Folks must know this. Judge he tole me—” At that the policeman tightens his hold with one hand, strikes him on the head with his fist, and hurls him to the pavement. The second officer, a taller man, runs in. And the big crowd that has gathered during the few moments of parley closes about to see. Again and again the little Negro is thrown down, struck, and dragged in the dust. He gasps out his purpose as he can. The dark cold street resounds with the noise of new comers rushing up to see; in the midst are the scuffle, the blows, the Negro’s voice, the dust. At length, tossing along in the midst of the crowd, the preacher is swept round a corner and pushed and pulled along past a dark little medical school, a cross street, and a long hospital with a dimly lighted coloured statue of the Virgin aloft in a front gable. Over the way are a shadowy park with bare trees and a waterless basin, and beyond this some old public buildings. The Negro’s once neat clothes are twisted, half pulled from him, and covered with dust and mud, his body is beaten, and his faith insulted; but in a voice grown a little hysterical, choked too by the hand of the policeman, he continues to declare his purpose. The policeman grips him from behind and rushes him along, the 52