* 56 sight among poor streets, roads, fields, and woods. Large parts of its surface have been covered with turf or diversified by small artificial mounds and slopes; but the turf is now gray and dead; the yellow sand shows through in many places; and the square stones, urns, painted iron benches, and unsubstantial looking tombs that stand in clusters, are tiny. In making the mounds the trunks of many of the trees were buried almost to the branches, and these trees look fat, stubby, and short-legged in the gray mist. A heavy odour of warm, salty grease hangs in the lower air, a suggestive stench from a factory for reducing fats somewhere in the neighborhood. There are winding macadam roads through the cemetery. When I have waited a little while at a place which has recently been added for the graves of poor people, the great black motor coach, splashed with mud, appears suddenly out of the city and enters one of the large stone gates at the south eastern corner. There is a stone lodge here, and a bell over the gates tolls briefly as the coach comes in. Then the vehicle follows a road parallel to a lonely bare wet red-paved street outside, in which long dingy trolley cars pass at intervals; and comes quickly to where I am. The sand here is entirely bare; the few old forest trees are neglected; and the graves lie in long close rows. They have no stones, but there are dead rotten flowers on some of the newest, fluttering dismally from card board frames wound with lead foil and adorned with letters of crinkly paper. Some graves have been covered with white cotton cloth fastened to the ground by pegs; but that is all. Ragged rotten brown leaves lie in the hollows of the sand, where brown weeds stand; and wet newspapers are blown about by the cold wind. In this shabby somber place on the dun earth of the bound less lake country, beside the harsh ugly city in which he has been an unwelcome stranger, but under the great white sky, too, the body of the servant of God is to be laid. The coach stops in the muddy road and the escort, all Negroes except the undertaker and his agile assistant, descend in the mist. Those who are to carry the coffin gather uncer tainly, and with the assistance of the undertaker and his man take it down. Then an irregular procession is formed, the