57 bearers take off their hats, and slowly and stumblingly all move off up the slope on a mat of tan jute with two red stripes that has been laid on the mud, and make their way among the graves. Shabby ordinary people in their greatcoats and hats of different colours, with their umbrellas and rubber storm shoes, no one of them is much moved as they creep with their dead man like tiny worms on the yellow sand beneath the sky. When the poor black coffin has been put down on the canvas bands of the wooden frame around the grave, all stand back quietly while something that I cannot hear at my distance is read or said. Some of the women sob out then. And the coffin descends slowly from sight into the damp yellow sand. Out at a distance over the swampy fields beyond the stream, large black crows flap noisily around a lone tree; from a tiny locomotive on railway trackage far away white steam rises with a faint roar. The mist in the air is rapidly turning to falling rain. After a short pause the party straggles back to the coach, some who have started first pausing to look at the other graves and the dead flowers. A few remain for a moment by the open grave looking down. But very soon all are again in their places and the coach is rolling away among the slopes. It passes out at the stone gate and back into the city. And then old German labourers, who have been waiting not far off, approach the grave rheumatically and set aside the few flowers that have been left on the pile of fresh sand, which is partly covered by a green waxed cloth and evergreen branches. They put on and screw down the lid of the new wooden overbox; earth is thrown in; and before the early gloomy rainy nightfall the grave of Brother Frank Burns, Servant of the Lord, is almost filled. But I went from the place almost unmindful of the irony of what had happened, almost unmindful of the night and the mist and the vastness of the wet sky; so touching and agitating had been that fair bright vain dream, that pure and simple heart, advancing eager, strong, and radiant to conquer the menacing shadows of life and death. WILLIAM JITRO