31 without it being possible to discover in them a previous deter mination. These phrases, remarkably pictured and with a syn tax perfectly correct, have appeared to me to be poetic elements of the first order. At first I was content merely to hold them, but later Soupault and I tried to create in ourselves the state in which they could be produced.” From the application of this discovery comes a curious book by Breton and Soupault, “Les Champs Magnetiques.” Having no right to choose some sentences rather than others, I quote at random:—“We have been compelled to visit cheap factories of dreams and shops filled with obscure dramas. There was a mag nificent cinema where the roles were taken by old friends. We lost sight of them and always found them again in the same place. They gave us rotten dainties and we told them our vague joys. Their eyes fixed upon us, they spoke; can one really re member those ignoble words, their lulling songs? We have given them our heart which was only a pale song.” I am often tempted to speak of humanism, of knowledge of others and of ourselves, a mania for which I ask pardon; truly lines like these make us feel more, tell us more of certain person alities than any novel, even the most advanced. Professor Freud by the psychoanalytic method tries to uncover that which we force back into our unconscious. Superrealism claims to open wide the doors; and because it really does open them, there is no constraint; these mysterious words arise without affected roman ticism, without calculated pose. They have multiple reflections and it is difficult not to be carried away by their spontaneous and free current. I mean that superrealism, product of an absolute intellectual emancipation, distinguishes whomsoever has the courage of wishing to profit by it. This discipline (discipline, I could remark, parodying Tzara, because the absence of disci pline is but another discipline) is that of the superman whom Nietzche in spite of his wish did not succeed in finding; its grandeur can not be denied; far removed from grandiloquence, it permits all the elements of the superreal individual to sing each its own song. Philippe Soupault, for example, loves gay- ety, wishes to amuse himself by the way—