THE BLIND M A N I 2 IX LIGHTED SLEEPNESS. BLIND WAKING WAKING DISTANT CENTER CENTER UP SLOW TAKING ISLAND-OCEAN SLOW WATER YESTER CONTACT’S SEAS SHIFTING TRIANGLE JOYS POINS INCISOR VISTA YELLOW FOUNTAIN WIDE IN ALL 'W V o^ 6 ‘ \o' ,c« FORTH OVER BACK UPSURGING FACTS HEAVY LIGHTNESS BACK OVER IXSURGING RHYTHM SHOUT EARTH SHOUT ALIVES ALL HIGH LAY LIE RELAY IN EVEN OPEN PENE SEPARATE REMARK ENLEVEL LEVEL ALWAYS TON SILENT TONS OVER DOUBLE TONNAGE DOUBLE THRU THRU TON AND TON AND TON SHIFT ALL ALL IN IN THIS BODY BALANCE AND RESURGE LEVEL LEVEL COOL BIG SAD: IN RUST GOLD DARK DUST HAIR: DISTANCE SPREAD NOW NOW, NEW FOREST FRAGRANT FOREST HAIR RESURGING REFORTH PENET UP FAR. THRU EYES, AREA FLOW WATER FEEL DEEP DEEP... ...IN IN FAR FAR FARTHEST MOUNTAIN MOUNT KATAHDYN FLUX KATA HD YN MOUNTAIN FLU] FLOWER IN IN, THRU EYES, SLEEY SLUMBER HEAVE Third Dimension; Portrait Sketch Charles Duncan “Free Verse, why I wrote free verse twenty years ago”—? Yet while Eilsheniius exonerates himself from ever having studied the works of any period whatsoever, there is a something Elizabethian about him. I will end this rummage of a gold-mine with Eilsheniius when he is most himself—in the the poems “A Country Child” and “Maggie the Geyser Guide.” “It dwelled, where I would not to live; In a hut, with cracks and holes. But there it played with wicker and mud; And it tried to lift long poles.” “Have you no fear of all those boiling waters?” “Nay, 1 was ‘hatched’ right on this steaming earth. The other place cannot be worse!” she ventured, And in our eyes a twinkle suddenly had birth. Thus questioning, she grew more sweet to me, for in her voice Lay mellow dreaminess, that made my heart rejoice. Anyhow, Duchamp meditating the levelling of all values, witnesses the elimination of Sophis tication. MINA LOY.