EN £r of = ° x Hr . 1931. ‘ COMPOSITION pb 0 AVEC wt — = FIGURE a | = (ESQUISSE). | 5 Lx FT A AE Oy Eg DR fy ait z 1931. ÉTUDE D'OBJET. 1931. LES CHAISES (ESQUISSE). … The third of the trio, Leger, has had no trumpeter of authority to sound a similar greatness. And the time may be past in which such a trumpeter is likely to appear. For Cubism has had its day as a sensation—as an end in itself, and now the practical decorators and the architects are helping themselves to the discoveries of Picasso, Braque and Leger for practical purposes. However, in time to come, it is possible that art historians will discover that Leger, if not the greatest of the three, is the most typical of the age in which he flourished. For it is Leger who makes his pictures more particularly out of the motifs of this age of machinery. If the Cubists followed the Cezanne cube-cone-cylinder dictum, Picasso and Braque stuck closer to the cube and to the pyramid, which, whirling, generates a cone. These are the mystic mathematical figures of old times—Picasso and Braque paid tribute to the hoary ages. A certain timeless poetry pervades what they do. Leger, however, adopted the cylinder of Cezanne, and he found this cylinder operative in modern machinery. From cylinders and the machine he constructs his Cubistic things.