- ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION OF THE VERB “TO BE yy On a sheet of paper dropped with the intention of demolishing space by the simple subtraction of a necessary plane draw a line that leaves the présent in addition carrying forward to the uncounted columns of the spatial ruin now considered as complété the remainder of the past. The act of disappearing Oblation which in the three-dimensional À Francis Picabia is the fate of the convergent Le Ciel attend vista is thus Un rire de femme m’a fait tant de mal under the form of the immédiate Mon coeur est lourd arrested in a perfect parallel Les étoiles s’allument et le fleuve roule le chagrin du monde. of being in part. Les idées spéculatives Walter Conrad Arensberg Le soleil a refusé l’anneau nuptial à la lune Je ne serai jamais ni député ni ambassadeur. Palmes digitales L’orange de Malte J’ordonnerai la saturnale sur Brooklyn-Bridge face aux sky- scrapers étonnés Mon amour est mort. Edgar Varese.