(Poem MERZ Nr. x.)
Oh thou, beloved of my twentyseven senses, I love
thine! Thou thee thee thine, I thine, thou mine.
— We?
That belongs (on the side) not here.
Who are thou, uncounted woman? Thou art — art
thou? — People say, thou werst, — let them
say, they don’t know, how the churchtower Stands.
Thou wearest thy hat on thy feet and wanderst on
your hands, on thy hands wanderst thou.
Hallo thy red dress, clashed in white folds. Red I
love Anna Blossom, red I love thine 1 Thou thee
thee thine, I thine, thou mine. — We? —
That belongs (on the side) in the cold glow.
Red Blossom, red Anna Blossom, how say (the)
Prizequestion: i. Anna Blossom has wheels.
2. Anna Blossom is red.
3. What color are the wheels?
Blue is the color of thy yellow hair.
Red is the whirl of thy green wheels.
Thou simple maiden in everyday-dress, thou dear