Bibliography by Bernard Karpel 
The largest portion of the bibliography constitutes a demonstration in print of the creative pro 
ductivity of a distinguished poet and accomplished master of several arts. The references have been 
arranged into sections titled: 
Books by Arp 
Articles and Poems by Arp 
Collective Statements 
Graphic Work of Arp 
Illustration by Arp 
Articles on Arp 
Obviously, the first three sections deal with the literary work of Arp, his poetical and critical ef 
fort. While certain correlations of texts have been made in the bibliography, the unavailability of 
specific publications has not permitted a detailed comparison of particular titles. Owing to fre 
quent republication and equally frequent modification of phraseology, such textual comparison is 
essential for complete accuracy. The published texts are frequently difficult to describe since, in the 
early dada period, they were published without the consent or editorial supervision of the poet. 
Their titles and form are to be accepted, by Arp’s explicit direction, with caution. The compiler 
hopes that this first record of Arp’s oeuvre will facilitate the task of literary collation that lies be 
yond the scope of the present bibliography. * 
While the references on the graphic and illustrative work of the artist are presumed to be inclu 
sive, there has been no attempt to compile a catalogue raisonné of Arp’s achievement in this and 
other media. Commentary on Arp, including references to specific exhibitions, works and publica 
tions, is represented only in part by this selected section of the bibliography. A complete record of 
articles on Arp is available at the Museum of Modern Art Library, New York. 
The compiler acknowledges with gratitude the cooperation of Margrit Hagenbach (Meudon) and 
Hans Bolliger (Zurich) who supplied documentation for material not otherwise accessible, and in 
terpretive notes based on their intimate knowledge of the career of Arp. 
f : item has been included in this anthology 
[]: data supplied by compiler 
bibl: see item so numbered in the bibli 
ography; ed: editor; il: illustration(s); incl: 
including; n.d.: not dated; no, nr: number(s); 
p: page(s); por: portrait(s) 
Typical Entry: 
Baron, Jacques Arp 6il Cahiers de Belgique 
ino6:22i-4 July 1928. 
An article by Jacques Baron 
titled Arp and containing 6 illustrations 
of his work will be found in Cahiers 
de Belgique, volume 1 number 6, on 
pages 22t to 224, in the issue dated July 1928. 
* “Die Dadaisten hatten sich für eine anonyme kollektive Kunst eingesetzt und Arp’s Ideal wäre 
auch heute noch anonym, wie die Natur, zu produzieren. Eine Bibliographie, die sich bemüht 
möglichst vollständig zu sein, dient nun allerdings nicht der Anonymität” (Hagenbach).


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