Full text: Arp, On my way

L’Homme qui a perdu son squelette. See 
bibl 81. 
Ich bin der grosse derdiedas. See bibl 70. 
56. Ich bin in Strassburg geboren . . . 
Cahiers Alsaciens et Lorrains 6no8-g: 
xi6 1931. 
Complete text published in Vertigral 
1932 (bibl 208). 
57. Il chante, il chante. (Zurich, 1922). Les 
Quatre Vents no8:22~4 1947. 
Three poems translated by Arp from 
“Muscheln und Schirme’’ (bibl ß). 
Im Glashocker singt eine süsse Stimme. 
See bibl 83. 
■f In dem Höcker aus Glas singt eine süsse 
Stimme (pi5,i7). 
Translation pi4,i6. See also bibl 84. 
58. Introduction. p[i-2] In Ernst, Max. 
Histoire naturelle. Paris, 1926. 
Partly published in La Révolution Sur 
réaliste 2noy (bibl 86). 
f Introduction à l’Histoire naturelle de 
Max Ernst (p84~6). 
Translation P38-9. Full text, partly pub 
lished in bibl 38. 
58a. [Introduction] ln Allendy, Colette, Ga 
lerie. Tapisseries et broderies abstraites. 
p[i—2] Paris, 1948. 
Prefatory note for exhibition catalog, 
written jointly with Camille Bryen. 
59. Jadro Jaskolcze. Plon 6^39:2 1938. 
Five poems. 
60. Je suis un cheval. (Meudon, 1934). Les 
Quatre Vents no8:24-5 1947. 
Translated by Arp from “Muscheln und 
Schirme” (bibl ß). 
f Kaspar ist tot (pio). 
Translation pio. 
j- Der Keim einer neuen Plastik (pii3). 
Translation pyo. New, unpublished text. 
61. Konfiguration. (Zurich 1918). Vertigral 
[noi]:i-3 July 1932. 
Also published in Transition no22:8-p 
Feb 1933, Konkretion noa-.^y Oct iß 
I 935- 
j- Konkrete Kunst (pus). 
Translation py2,y4. New, unpublished 
Das leyderne Gebet — Eins ums andere. 
See bibl 52. 
62. Das lichtscheue Paradies, 1-8. De Stijl 
7^75-6:45-6; 11077:79-80; ^78:93-4 
1926-7; 7^85-6:103-6 1927-8. 
Extracts published in Der Sturm ißnra 
1924; L’Esprit Nouveau nouay 1926?; 
Transition noy.130-1 Oct i92y (trans 
lated by Eugene Jolas). 
63. Liedertafel. De Stijl 6noio-i 1:148 
63a. Lüften er en rod pi3 In Tvivlens pla- 
geaand, surrealistisk anthologie . . . 
udvalgt af Claude Serbanne . . . 
Aarhus, Forlag W.T.C.(?), 1947. 
1 Der Magier (p95~6). 
Translation pß2. New, unpublished text. 
j- Ein magischer Schatz (p95). 
Translation pß2. Partly published in 
bibl ß6,2o8. 
64. Man Ray. In Six, Librairie, Paris. Expo 
sition dada Man Ray du 3 au 31 décem 
bre 1921. 
65. Manifeste du crocrodarium dada. Litté 
rature 2noi3:i2 May 1920. 
“Von Tristan Tzara geschrieben und mit 
Arp’s Namen signiert” (Hagenbach). 
66. Manchas en el vacio. Total 2:25 July 
67. Marmelsteinbälge, Schneetlehem. Oeso 
phage 1:2 Mar 1925. 
Four poems dated 1918,1921,1924. 
Le monde du souvenir et du rêve. See 
bibl 95,146. 
f Das Maass aller Dinge (p8i). 
Translation pßß. Neiv, unpublished text. 
f Monte Carlo (pi8). 
Translation P19. Published in bibl 13. 
68. Nabel, Tische, Beine.I,II,III. ilO 2noig: 
121 Feb 15 1929. 
f Die Nabelflasche (pgi-2). 
Translation P49. New, unpublished text. 
69. Notes from a diary. Transition no2i: 
190-4 Mar 1932. 
Translated from the German by Eugene 
Jolas. Brief extracts published in French 
and English in Continuity no2:\y-8] 
x 945* 
j- Oben und Unten (p82). 
Translation P36. First published in bibl 
69a. L’Oeuf de Kiesler et la salle des su 
perstitions. Cahiers d’Art 22:281,283,286 

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