iyi. GiEDioN-WELCKER, Carola. Hans Arp. il 
Das Kunstblatt 14:372-5 Dec 1930. 
172. giedion-welcker, Carola. Jean Arp. lil 
p 165-78 In her: Poètes à l’écart; An 
thologie der Abseitigen. Bern-Bümpliz, 
Verlag Benteli, 1946. 
Poems by Arp dated 1904-45, with bi 
ography and bibliography. 
173. giedion-welcker, Carola. Modern plas- 
tic art: elements of reality, volume and 
disintegration. 6il pi 1-12,86,92,96 Zu 
rich, H. Girsberger, 1937. 
Includes quotation from diary (1951)-, 
biographical appendix, pi52; illustra 
tions, p8y,89,91-5,97. Also published as: 
Moderne Plastik: Elemente der Wirlich- 
keit, Masse und Auflockerung (1957). 
174. Guggenheim, Peggy, ed. Art of this cen 
tury: objects, drawings, photographs, 
paintings, sculpture, collages, 1910 to 
1942. 2il p29-3i,ioi New York, Art of 
this century, 1942. 
Catalog of permanent collection of the 
gallery, listing 5 works by Arp. Bio 
graphical data, pioi. Essay by Arp “Ab 
stract art, concrete art,” P29-31. English 
text of poem “L’Usage de la parole,” 
175. Hildebrandt, Hans. Die Kunst des 19. und 
20. Jahrhunderts. p281,284,424-5. Pots 
dam, Alcad. Verlagsgesellschaft Athe- 
naion [0924, postscript 1931]. 
176. hugnet, georges. L’Esprit dada dans la 
peinture. 6il Cahiers d’Art 71101-2:57,60, 
62,64; 006-7:282,284-5; 008-10:358-64 
1932; 9noi-4:109-14 1934. 
177. huelsenbeck, richard. Die Arbeiten von 
Hans Arp. Dada 003:7 Dec 1918. 
English translation by author in Mu 
seum of Modern Art Library. 
178. huelsenbeck, richard. Dada siegt; eine 
Bilanz des Dadaismus. P5-6, 10-11, 13- 
i6, 18-20, 22, 24-5 Berlin, Malik-Verlag, 
178a. JAKOVSKI, Anatole. Arp, Calder, Hélion, 
Mirô, Pevsner, Seligmann. Six essais. p5~ 
10 2il Paris, Chez Jacques Povolozsky, 
“Plaquette composée par Hans Arp.” 
179. jene, edgar. Hans Arp. Der Plan 2noq, 
291-2 1947. 
180. leiris, michel. Exposition Hans Arp 
(Galerie Goemans). 2il Documents ino6: 
340-2 Nov 1929. 
181. löpez Torres, Domingo. Hans Arp. 3Ü 
Gaceta de Arte 30024:1 Mar 1934. 
182. moderner bund. Zweite Ausstellung, 
Kunsthaus, Zurich, 1912. 7Ü [Zurich, 
“Erstes Heft des Modernen Bundes,” 
single leaves with original graphic work, 
or mounted reproductions. Initials, vi 
gnettes, prints by Arp. Exhibitors in 
clude Amiet, Arp, Delaunay, Gimmi, 
Kandinsky, Klee, Liithy, Marc and 
others. See note bibl. 126. 
183. moeschlin, Walter j. Hans Arp. il Der 
Plan 2004:290-1 1947. 
On the exhibition at Galerie Feigel, Ba 
184. Moholy-Nagy, LÂSLÔ. Vision in motion. 
P3 1 3 -1 5 et passim Chicago, Paul Theo 
bald, 1947. 
Includes translations from the “Pyramid 
frock” (bibl id) and “The Skeleton of the 
day” (bibl 49). 
185. Montaigne galerie, paris. Salon dada, 
exposition internationale. p2,12-13. 
Catalog de luxe of exhibition held June 
6-50 listing 5 works with French trans 
lation of extract from “Die Wolken 
pumpe” (bibl 19). 
186. morris, george l. k. Hans Arp. 3Ü Parti 
san Review 4002:32 Jan 1937. 
187. new York, museum of modern art. Fan 
tastic art, dada, surrealism. Edited by 
Alfred H. Barr, Jr., essays by Georges 
Hugnet. 3 ed. îoil(icol) pi6-i8,226 et 
passim New York, The Museum of mod 
ern art, distributed by Simon and Schus- 
ter, i947(ci936). 
Revision of catalog originally prepared 
for an exhibition of the same title held 
Dec 1936-Jan 1957. The essay by Hugnet 
“Dada” pi5-54 is a summary of the se 
ries originally published in Cahiers d’Art 
(bibl 125a). Design on title-page and 
cover by Arp. 
188. plastique. No 1-5 1937-39. 
“Composé par S. H. Taeuber Arp, avec 
la collaboration de A. E. Gallatin, 
G. L. K. Morris et H. Arp.”


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