This is the sixth volume in the series 
“The Documents of Modern Art.” 
The text of the book is set in n-on-14 point 
Linotype Baskerville with the display 
in Futura, and is printed on Warren’s Oldstyle 
paper. The halftone engravings (except for 
the original woodcuts furnished by the artist) 
were made by Carlton Engraving Company 
of Worcester, Mass., and have been printed on 
Crocker Burbank’s Art Mat. The composition, 
printing and binding have been done by 
E. L. Hildreth & Company, Brattleboro, Vt. 
Cover and typography by Paul Rand 
In some instances the reader will note the 
use of all lower case letters. This is not the 
designer’s whim but merely follows the 
author’s original manuscript.


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