Documents of Modern Art (Director: Robert Motherwell)
d.m.a. 1. The Cubist Painters (Aesthetic Meditations), by Guillaume Apollinaire. Edited by
Robert Motherwell. Translated from the French by Lionel Abel. 36 pp., 22 small ill., 1944.
Out of print. (Revised edition with additional material and corrections in preparation.)
d.m.a. 2. Plastic Art and Pure Plastic Art, by Piet Mondrian. Edited by Robert Motherwell.
Introduction by Harry Holtzman. 63 pp., 2 color plates, 24 ill., 2nd printing, 1947. $2.25.
d.m.a. 3. The New Vision, by Lazio Moholy-Nagy, followed by his autobiographical note, Abstract
of an Artist. Edited by Robert Motherwell. Introduction and Obituary by Walter Gro
pius. Translation completely revised with Moholy-Nagy's approval from the original transla
tion from the German by Daphne Hoffman. 92 pp., 84 ill., 4th revised edition, 1947. $3.00.
d.m.a. 4. Kindergarten Chats, by Louis H. Sullivan, with Other Writings. Edited by Isabella Athey.
251 pp., 18 ill., 1947. $4.50.
d.m.a. 5. Concerning the Spiritual in Art and Painting in Particular, by Wassily Kan
dinsky. With Kandinsky's Prose Poems. Edited by Robert Motherwell. Prefaces by
Mme. Kandinsky, Julia and Lyonel Feininger, and a contribution by S. W. Hayter. Translated
from the German by Sir Michael Sadleir, with revisions by F. Golffing, M. Harrison, and F.
Ostertag; prose poems translated by Ralph Manheim. Edition authorized by Mme. Kan
dinsky, with new footnotes and additions by Kandinsky. 93 pp., 10 ill., 1947. $2.25. 6. On My Way, by Jean (Hans) Arp. Essays and Poems, 1912-1947 in French, German, English.
Edited by Robert Motherwell. Translated from the French and German by Ralph Manheim,
with 2 woodcufs especially done by the artist for this publication and printed in color, con
tribution by Carola Giedlon-Welcker. Bibliography by B. Karpel. 148 pp., 2 original
woodcuts, 48 ill., 1948. $4.50.
d.m.a. 7. Beyond Painting, by Max Ernst, with other texts by A. Breton, N. Colas, P. Éluard, G. Ribemont-
Dessaignes, T. Tzara and others. Edited by Robert Motherwell. Bibliography by B. Karpel.
220 pp., 140 ill., 1948. $6.00.
d.m.a. 8. Dada: An Anthology, texts by Arp, H. Ball, A. Breton, G. Buffet-Picabia, A. Craven, P. Éluard,
G. Hugnet, R. Hulsenbeck, G. Ribemont-Dessaignes, H. Richter, K. Schwitters, T. Tzara and
others. Edited by Robert Motherwell. Translated from the French and German by Ralph
Manheim and others. (First publication in English of most of the material.) ,1949.
In active preparation: Cubism, by Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler. First translation into English.
the Cubist Painters (Aesthetic Meditations), by Guillaume Apollinaire.
Revised edition. (See No. 1 above.)
The Modern Arts in Review. A critical Bibliography compiled and annotated
by Bernard Karpel, Librarian, The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Problems of Contemporary Art
No general editor, being a catch-all for texts relating to the immediate tensions of the arts,
p.c.a. 1. Form and Sense, by Wolfgang Paalen. 1945. Out-of-print,
p.c.a. 2. The Grass Roots of Art, by Herbert Read. 92 pp., 19 ill., 1947. $1.75.
p.c.a. 3. The Way Beyond ‘Art’: The Work of Herbert Bayer, by Alexander Dorner. Intro
duction by John Dewey. 244 pp., 154 ill., 7 color plates, 194*7. $6.00 (Typography by
Herbert Bayer).
p.c.a. 4. Possibilities: 1. An occasional Review, edited by John Cage (music), Pierre Chareau (archi
tecture), Robert Motherwell (art), and Harold Rosenberg (writing). Winter 1947-48. Con
tributions by Abel, Arp, Baziotes, Caffi, Calvo, Paul Goodman, Haieff, Hayter, Hulbeck,
Miro, Motherwell, Niemeyer, Poe, J. Pollock, H. Rosenberg, Rothko, David Smith, Virgil
Thomson, Varese, Ben Weber: 112 pp., 49 illus., $2.25 (Typography by the editors),
p.c.a. 5. Paintings, Sculptures, Reflections, by Georges Vantongerloo. Preface by Max Bill. 113
pp., 50 ill., 2 color plates, 1948. $3.00.
In active preparation: Possibilities: 2. (See No. 4 above.)
Large 8vo. wrappers. Covers and typography (unless otherwise noted) by Paul Rand.
Wittenborn, Schultz, Inc., Publishers. 38 East 57th St., New York 22, New York.