Full text: Arp, On my way

red violets 
the arrows idle in their flight 
the wings come loose and move towards the world of leaves 
wings and leaves are confounded 
stars are beauty spots 
for the sky deep as your eyes 
cajoled the flower garden laughs 
in a genuflected light 
the chain of mirages breaks 
against the cloud incrusted with kisses 
a balmy day 
falls from a hump of fruit 
claws release a paltry prize 
a green cloud dances on two legs of lightning 
then the violets grow faster 
children lovely as violets 
dance like clouds 
little children littler than usual 
converse with an invisible child 
i forget my body 
the living joins with the dead 
the games disjoin 
children lovely as violets 
dance like waves

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