Volltext: The little review (8 (1922), 2)

We Are Backing the Poets—Are You Backing Us ? 
POETRY maintains its standards, and is well able to outflank its younger 
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(t For a verse-writer to 
be printed in POETRY is about the most honorable of 
Ford Madox Hueffer in the New York Evening Post 
Literary Review. 
This monthly publication is an exhibition of literary faith and bravery that 
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The Daily Journal, East St. Louis. 
“The varied interest and beauty presented are typical of POETRY’S quality. 
Thanks to a rare coincidence of poise and generous imagination, of sense 
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POETRY, A Magazine of Verse 
232 E. Erie St., Chicago 
Enclosed find $3.00 (Canada $3.15, foreign $3.25) for one year’s subscription to POETRY. 
For the playwrights of tomorrow, a professional course in 
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Have you plots in mind? Do you often wish to dramatize your ideas, but are you 
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