Volltext: The little review (8 (1922), 2)

L. R. 
B. M. 
L. R. 
B. M. 
L. R. 
B. M. 
L. R. 
B. M. 
L. R. 
B. M. 
L. R. 
B. M. 
L. R. 
B. M. 
L. R. 
B. M. 
L. R. 
B. M. 
L. R. 
B. M. 
L. R. 
B. M. 
L. R. 
B. M. 
L. R. 
B. M. 
L. R. 
We asked you to help us support our hobby. 
I have my horses and dogs. 
We have the Little Review. 
I earn the money to keep my horses and dogs. 
We can’t earn the money to support the Little Review. 
You’ll have to. 
We work on the Little Review. 
That won’t bring you any money. 
That’s why we asked you to help us. You have lots 
of money. 
I can earn money. 
We can’t. That is, as we pointed out, one of the 
differences between us. 
But you’ll have to. 
I make money because I know my personality. 
You’ve got to know your personalities. 
We began with that. We know that our person 
alities can’t make money. 
You’ve got to make money. 
You’ve got to have vision, imagination. 
Our vision is too long for the public purse. Our 
imagination is the Little Review. 
My imagination makes me run a business to support 
my hobby. 
If we ran a business to support the Little Review 
we’d lose the flair that makes it possible to make 
the Little Review. 
That isn’t necessary. I don’t lose mine. 
You do. Everyone in America has lost the flair for 
everything by running a business to support his 
Well, if I felt rich I’d help you. 
If you don’t feel rich you’re not a successful business 


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