Volltext: The little review (8 (1922), 2)

Pourquoi cacher le silence avec cette sorte de sonnettes et 
non d’autres sans equivoque? On ne peut pas toujours dormir, 
ni jouer au baccarat, ni collectionner les plantes alpines, ni boire 
de l’alcool. Cela ne fait pas assez de bruit. Et par instants... 
Tandis que cette tiede occupation de secretion periodique, si 
naturelle, qui vient au bon moment mettre un si elegant rideau 
devant la personne indesiree, remplit son role avec efficacite: 
on dirait du vrai bruit. 
C’est pourquoi—je ne suis cependant maitre ni du oui ni du 
non—je puis continuer a laisser respirer ma petite lachete. 
* f ITTLE REVIEW” is certainly the only magazine which 
I at the present moment desires to give the public the 
I work of men whose new quests are the aim in art— 
i- whether in painting, music, sculpture or literature. 
“Little Review” is not influenced by the present estab 
lished conventions which are for the most part only commer 
cial. Most of the reviews unfortunately can not live without 
the help of editors and galleries who seek to make a credulous 
public believe that their merchandise alone is interesting, the 
only which really has a “commercial” value. This frightful 
stock jobbing in pictures permits the jobbers to put over it 
doesn’t matter what good fellow for a person of genius; we 
have had an example of this recently at the Kahnweiler sale 
where they pushed up the price to 18,000 francs for pictures 
I wouldn’t have given 50 centimes for. As for cubist purism, 
don’t let’s speak of it! As I have already written, this cathe 
dral has only one steeple, which is Picasso; the rest of the edifice 
is a shop where they should sell umbrellas and where they offer 
us only “Ruoltz” which they wish to pass for real money! 
The heartbreaking thing, you see, is the thought that these 
imbeciles of picture merchants disgust painters with painting


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