Volltext: The little review (9 (1923), 4)

A professional course in play writing is offered under 
the personal supervision of Theodore Ballou Hinckley, 
Editor of THE DRAMA, assisted by famous play 
wrights, critics, actors and producers. 
This is an unusual opportunity to take a personalized course in play 
writing, which is supervised by recognized authorities in drama. 
Personalized Criticism of Your Plays 
The course covers a year of carefully individualized instruction in dramatic 
technique. You will be taken step by step through study courses, books and 
practice plays, from the simplest rudiments up to the actual completion of 
plays. Your work will receive the individual attention of Mr. Hinckley. 
His criticisms will be directed at your specific needs. He will dissect your 
plot, your characters, and your dialogue, and give you definite, constructive 
criticism and help. 
Producers Will Read Your Plays 
Throughout the entire course, the aim is toward completion of plays for 
professional production and not toward mere amateurish effort. Your plays 
will be analyzed by Mr. Hinckley with the idea of production in mind, and 
plays of real merit will be brought to the attention of producers. If your 
manuscript has the endorsement of THE DRAMA, it will receive a reading 
by managers. 
Good Plays Earn Big Royalties 
There is a great scarcity of good plays. The big royalties for success prove 
that there is a very real demand for plays of worth. Lightnin’, The Bat, 
The Lion and the Mouse and many others have earned thousands of dollars. 
If you have ideas and imagination, you will find the practical dramatic 
technique and honest, competent criticism of this course of inestimable value 
to you. 
Limited Enrollment 
Only a limited number of people can enroll, since the work is so carefully 
personalized. As a result only the people wha show unusual ability are 
admitted to the course. Fill out the coupon and mail it for complete 
information at once. 
Department of Instruction, 
561 Athenaeum Building, 
Please send information regarding your personalized course in play 
City State


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