“Look at an animal in the white of the eyes
without blushing
without having the air of taking any notice
while squinting if possible
while stamping the foot
while clapping the hands.”
And Tzara asks us—
“You know the calendars of the birds?
365 birds—every day a bird flies away—every hour
a feather falls—every two hours one writes a poem—
one cuts it up with scissors.”
I should like to talk more about this kind of gayety perfect
enough to attain humor. But why group under one heading
individuals of such freedom? And then I should have to de
vote long pages also to love for I recall the “Coeur a Gaz” by
Tzara, the poems of the youthful Jacques Baron, of Paul
Pardon me if I recite a little of them to myself. First are
the declarations of Oeil, one of the personnages of the “Coeur
a Gaz.” “Clytemnestra, wife of a minister, looked out of the
window; the violincellists passed by in a carriage of Chinese tea,
biting the air and the caresses with open heart. You are beauti
ful, Clytemnestra, the crystal of your skin awakens the curiosity
of our sexes: you are tender and calm like two metres of white
Say with me this poem of Paul Eluard.
“Little childish table
there are women whose eyes are like pieces of sugar
there are serious women like the movements of love and that one
does not surprise
there are women with pale faces
Others like the sky on the eve of a windy day.