Volltext: The little review (9 (1923), 4)

For neither Mistinguett, nor Parisys, nor Gaby Montbreuse, 
nor Cora Madon, nor Merindol occupy the place to which they 
are entitled. They are known, of course, but for something 
quite different. We know that Spinnelly changes her panta 
loons twelve times a day, that Parisys changes her gown eleven 
times a day at Deauville and that is all 
The legs of Mistinguett, the breasts of Spinelly, the buttocks 
of Parisys, the little stomach of Pepee constitute with Marcel 
Duchamp’s “Nude Descending the Staircase” the only “poetic” 
realm in which I can live. 
I have enough of the theatre where art is made! 
I have enough of the music-hall where art is made! 
I have enough of the cinema where art is made! 
I have enough of art of art of art of art of art of art of art 
of art. 
For the others = merde. 
July, 1923.


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