Volltext: The little review (9 (1923), 4)

Maiden emotions 
on leaves of novels 
where anatomical man 
has no notion 
of offering other than the bended knee 
to femininity 
and purity 
passes in pleasant ways 
as the cows graze— 
For in those days 
when Exodus courted the rose 
literature was supposed to elevate us 
So the maid with puffy 
bosom where Jerusalem 
dreams to ease 
his head of calculations 
in the Zero of ecstasy 
and a little huffy 
bristles with chastity 
For this is the last Judgment 
when Jehovah 
roars ‘Open your mouth! 
and I will tell you what you have been reading’ 
Exodus had been reading 
making sharp distinction 
between the harlot 
and the Hausfrau arraying 
her offspring in scarlet 
such as garner good advice like grain 
and such as know enough 
to come in from the rain - -


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