Volltext: The little review (9 (1923), 4)

the presented knee 
of chivalry 
the sub-umbilical mystery 
of his husbandry 
- hysterically 
His passionate anticipation 
of warming in his arms 
his rose to a maturer colouration 
which was all of aspiration 
the grating upon civilization 
of his sensitive organism 
had left him 
splinters upon an adamite 
of nerves like stalactites 
This dying chastity 
had rendered up no soul - - 
Yet they pursued their congugal 
dilemmas as is usual 
with people 
who know not what they do 
but know that what they do 
- - is not illegal 
Deep in the nevrose 
night he 
peruses this body 
divested of its upholstery 
firmly insensitive 
in mimicry 
of its hypothetical model 
a petal 
of the English rose


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