Volltext: The little review (12 (1926), 1)

into the lake as green hello 
as Mr. Kahn hello hello 
as green as Bowling Green 
I’ll make a note of it goodbye and rain 
suddenly falling down fell steel and copper 
lead railways cotton rubber falling 
rain steadily falling public utilities 
always a good buy 
a good I’ll make a note of it 
buy goodbye goodbye 
It was an arduous task. He surmounted his intangible 
difficulties with precision. The man must be a genius. His 
tuition cost a great deal. We went to the museum. 
Theory is better than practice. Words are the man. The 
man is a window or a door. A battledore or double door. 
Out of a door the picador. The door adores the picador the 
picador the matador. The matador adores dormice. He 
will stay for lunch. 
It is probable that he will be punctual punctual 
punctual and papa why is the man punctual punctual 
punctual because he is punctual punctual. The rain 
descends. Gently the rain descends the infinitely 
gentle rain the rain gently descending and I am 
bored. Manifestations are geometrical not ethical. 
at a quarter after seven 
nothing, at a quarter after eight 
nothing, the aim is nothing, the pursuit 
And so he climbed the hill 
breathless, reached the summit, found it bare 
of memories and galloped down the slope 
the Baron asks your company to dinner 
Up other hills to other summits hurried 
down other slopes to other vallies hurried


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