O Marcel - - - otherwise 
I Also Have Been to Louise’s 
I.don’t like a lady in evening 
dress, salting 
From here she has black eyes, 
no mouth, some - 
Will you bring a perfection, 
well bring a bottle - - - Two 
perfections WELL I want to SEE 
it - - - he will know it after 
wards - - - will you bring the 
bottle. Really, have I? - - . 
Which way? Oh did I? WHEN? 
Too much? You are abusing 
myself. No, you would not - - . 
Lid you a.sk Lemuth about it? 
Anything you like, would I? 
Ough Naow? of course not? Yes 
I do. I used to kill myself 
with the syphon - - -. You 
don’t remember that ball. Well 
don’t do that because I am per 
fectly sober now - - - - that’s 
the kid he looks like - . It 
will probably cost me very much 
. I have not got' money. Did I 
say I wanted the bottle all 
right - SEE it! Excuse me, 
explain it. You don’t need any. 
I will give you some paper 
Mina and keep silent to give 
you a rest. Oh! I will give 
you some paper all the same. 
Very much. He said to me, we 
will toss whether you resign or 
I resign - - - a very old 
French story about c the English 
man must shoot first.’ She has 
a pencil in her hair - very 
impressionistic. You know you 
should have some salt on your 
hair it’s so nice --because? 
Nothing - its music. Ah this 
is, this is, this is, Is IT. 
Do not worry about such things 
as lighting a match. I give 
you my key Clara - HEY - have 
some yellow paper. If carried 
away If Clara ever returns it. 
Well, you did about a week, 
after. Here’s the salting lady- 
I will show her to you - salting 
lady. She passed. Do not speak 
any more - - - you have to 
squeeze it, maid of the - - - . 
I used to go every day - - 
waitress. I feel ashamed in 
front of this girl - she looks 
at me from far its wonderful - 
its wo - onderFULi 
Yes, have a drink lady, teaspoon 
by teaspoon. No please take 
this - Do I eat? You know .why I 
have one - I do - I do have it - 
I want some tongue I will give 
you some - but don’t ’do too much 
what? Suck it. Well I don’t know 
how I will get up early to 
morrow I -have a lesson at two - 
no not with the "bellemere" You 
don’t know what a wonderful sen 
sation it is - - - - - I have 
some preference for'some com 
pany where is our waiter - 
where is he it sounds it doesn’t 
Mina are you short-hand?, I 
never knew it. I want tongue 
sandwich, anyway it keeps me 
awake. You know, she comes rid 
ing school fifty sixth street 
you know she comes. Lunch 
12 o’clock. Well you know it 
was. How do you light a cigar


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