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Marsden Hartley May Make a Couple— 
Coming Out Party Next Friday 
A beautiful pair of rough-eared debutantes 
will lead the grand socking cotillion in Mad 
ison Square Garden when Mina Loy gives a 
coming-out party for her Queensberry pro 
teges. Mina will introduce the Marsden Hart 
leys and the Joseph Stellas to society next 
week, and everybody who is who will be who-er 
than ever that night. 
Master Marsden will be attired in a neat but 
not gaudy set of tight-fitting gloves and will 
have a V-back in front and on both sides. -He 
will wear very short skirts gathered at the 
waist with a nickel’s worth of live leather belt 
ing. His slippers will be heavily jeivelled with 
brass eyelets, and a luxurious pair of dime 
laces will be woven in and out of the hooks. 
He may or may not wear socks. He has always 
been known as a daring dresser. 
Attire of Debutantes. 
Master Joseph will wear a flesh-colored com 
plexion, with the exception of his full-dress 
tights. He has created a furore in society by 
appearing at informal morning battles with 
coattails on his tights. The usual procedure 
at matinee massacres is for the guest of honor 
to wear tuxedo trunks with Bull Durham trim 
mings. He will affect the six-ounce suede 
glove with hard bandages and a little concrete 
in ’em if possible. His tights will be silk and 
he wears them very short. 
Before the pug-debs are introduced, Miss 
Loy will turn a gold spigot and flocks of but 
terflies will be released from their cages. They 
will flitter through the magnificent Garden, 
which has been especially decorated with extra 
dust for the occasion. Each butterfly will flit 
around, and, then light on some particular head. 
If you get two oleofleas on your dome, try 
and keep it a secret. 
Description of Ring 
The ring will be from the Renaissance period 
with natural wood splinters. The gong will 
sound curfew chimes at the end of each round. 
It will be played by a specially imported pack 
of Swiss gong ringers. The ropes will be vel 
vet and hung like portieres. Edgar Varese, 
the violinist, has donated a piece of concert 
resin to be used on the canvas flooring, which 
will be made in Persia. Incidentally, the tights 
worn by the fighters will be made by Tweeble- 
ham, of London, purveyor to the Queen by 
highest award. 
Master Marsden will give his first dance to 
his brother pug-deb Joseph, which will prob 
ably fill Marsden s card for the evening. Vis 
iting diplomats in the gallery de luxe will 
please refrain from asking for waltzes. 
With apologies to “Bugs' Baer.


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