Metadata: Naissance du poème
- Title:
- Naissance du poème
- Sub title:
- prose symphonique
- Extent:
- 111 S.
- Collection:
- Books
- Document type:
- Monograph
- Shelfmark:
- DADA I:86
- Persistent identifier:
- 20008
- Statement of responsibility:
- Fernand Divoire
- Place of publication:
- Paris
- Publisher:
- Eugène Figuière
- Year of publication:
- [1920?]
- Edition:
- [Electronic ed.]
- Dimensions:
- 9,5 x 15,5 cm
- Language:
- French
- Statement of responsibility:
- Fernand Divoire
Book cover
- Collection:
- Books
- Document type:
- Monograph
- Structure type:
- Book cover
- Collection:
- Books
- Document type:
- Monograph
- Structure type:
- Advertising