Full text: The little review (9 (1923), 4)

France: seventeen. Philippe Soupault and Louis Aragon have 
appeared in the Little Review in 1920. Tristan Tzara, the foun 
der of Dada, is a poet of distinction and a leader in all the art- 
sports in Europe. G. Ribemont-Dessaignes is the author of 
“L’Empereur de Chine.” Paul Eluard, Pierre Reverdy, Benja 
min Peret, Pierre de Massot, Rene Crevel—each deserve a 
charming history: a sentence can tell you nothing of these very 
special, super-sensitized young men . . . some of them are con 
tributors of “les feuilles libres.” Man Ray is a “modern” Amer 
ican painter living in Paris, Juan Gris and Braque, are called 
Cubists. Modigliani is an Italian, who died a few years ago, un 
acknowledged and in poverty, he is now in the ascendant. Hans 
Arp is a Dane, but is identified with French and German activi 
ties. Robert Delaunay is an easy painter not in any group. 
Andre Masson, twenty-six, is just beginning to attract the atten 
tion of the “knowing.” Max Ernst is a scissors-painter. Jean 
Hugo a versatile young artist, is not responsible for being the 
great-grand-son of Victor Hugo.—jh.

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