Volltext: The little review (8 (1922), 2)

Racket is a noise. Noise is a poise. Boys with the b spelled 
like a p is poise. Boys is poise. 
And then I read the men. Men say. Leave me and be gay. 
Men say tenderness to-day. Men say go away. 
And leave me. 
A potato field and the promised land. It is a very pleasant 
burning smell. 
Armandine Armandine yesterday noon. Armandine Ar- 
mandine what is the tune. 
Devotion. What is devotion. He is devoted to that. She 
is devout. And an opening. An opening is covered by Caesars. 
Sharp wire. Do sharpen wire. Devotion. Devotion is deter 
mined by design. 
When this you see remember me. 
I do mean to replace crockery with furniture. I do mean to 
organise victory. I do mean to say grace. 
I am not a bar tender. 
Automatically but not silently. 
Little fool little stool little fool for me. Little stool little 
fool little stool for me. And what is a stool. That was the 
elegant name for a cow. Little stool little fool little stool for 
me. Little fool little stool for me. 
Let us let us conscience. 
Let us let us conscientiously renounce the sense of reticence. 


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